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Angel Morrison
Angel Morrison

A Complete Guide to the TOP3000 Universal Programmer Software: Features, Installation, and Usage

How to Use the TOP3000 Universal Programmer Software

A universal programmer is a device that can program a wide range of non-volatile memory and microcontroller chips, such as EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, PIC, MCU, SPI, JTAG, and more. The TOP3000 is one of the universal programmers that supports 2.5 6.5V devices and has a 48-pin self-lock socket. The TOP3000 software is the control program that allows you to select, configure, and program the devices using the TOP3000 programmer.


In this article, I will provide you with a detailed guide on how to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software. You will learn how to install the software on your PC, how to select and configure the device you want to program, how to load, edit, verify, program, and read the data from the device, and how to troubleshoot some common problems or errors that may occur during the programming process.

By following this guide, you will be able to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software effectively and efficiently for your programming needs.


The first step to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software is to install it on your PC. The software is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit and 64-bit) operating systems. You can download the latest version of the software from this link or from the official website of the manufacturer.

To install the software, follow these steps:

  • Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a folder on your PC.

  • Run the setup.exe file in the folder and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Choose a destination folder for the software installation.

  • Choose whether to create a desktop shortcut or not.

  • Click Finish to complete the installation.

After installing the software, you need to connect the TOP3000 programmer to your PC via a USB cable. The programmer does not need an external power supply as it is powered by the USB port. However, you can also use an optional AC adapter if you prefer. The AC adapter should have an output of 5VDC and 2A.

To connect the programmer to your PC, follow these steps:

  • Plug one end of the USB cable into the USB port on your PC.

  • Plug the other end of the USB cable into the USB port on the back of the programmer.

  • If you are using an AC adapter, plug it into a power outlet and connect it to the DC jack on the back of the programmer.

  • Turn on your PC and wait for it to recognize the programmer as a new device.

  • If prompted by Windows to install drivers for the programmer, choose to install them automatically from the CD-ROM that came with the programmer or from the folder where you installed the software.

Once the programmer is connected to your PC, you can launch the TOP3000 software by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut or by finding it in the Start menu. The software interface should look like this:

The software interface consists of several parts, such as the menu bar, the toolbar, the status bar, the device information panel, the data buffer panel, and the log panel. You can use these parts to access various functions and features of the software and the programmer.

Device Selection

The next step to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software is to select the device that you want to program. The software supports over 13,000 devices from more than 150 manufacturers. You can find the list of supported devices in this PDF file or in the software database.

To select the device, you have two options: manual selection or auto-detection. Manual selection means that you choose the device type, manufacturer, and part number from the software database. Auto-detection means that the software automatically identifies the device that is inserted into the programmer socket.

To select the device manually, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Device button on the toolbar or go to Device > Select Device from the menu bar.

  • A window will pop up with a list of device types, such as EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, PIC, MCU, etc. Choose the device type that matches your device.

  • Another window will pop up with a list of device manufacturers, such as ATMEL, INTEL, MICROCHIP, ST, etc. Choose the manufacturer that matches your device.

  • Another window will pop up with a list of device part numbers, such as AT89C51, 27C256, PIC16F877A, M25P16, etc. Choose the part number that matches your device.

  • Click OK to confirm your selection. The software will display the device information in the device information panel and load a default data buffer for the device.

To select the device by auto-detection, follow these steps:

  • Insert your device into the programmer socket according to the pin diagram shown in the software or in this PDF file. Make sure that the orientation and alignment of your device are correct and that there is no bent or broken pin.

  • Click on the Auto Detect button on the toolbar or go to Device > Auto Detect from the menu bar.

  • The software will scan all possible devices and try to identify your device. If successful, it will display a message with your device part number and manufacturer. Click OK to confirm your selection. The software will display the device information in the device information panel and load a default data buffer for the device.

  • If the software fails to detect your device, it will display a message with an error code and a possible reason. You can try to adjust the device position, check the device pinout, or select the device manually.

After selecting the device, you can check the device information in the device information panel. The panel shows the device part number, manufacturer, type, size, voltage, speed, mode, security, and pin diagram. You can also click on the Info button on the toolbar or go to Device > Device Info from the menu bar to view more details about the device, such as its features, functions, specifications, and programming algorithms.

Device Configuration

The next step to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software is to configure the device parameters according to your needs. The device parameters include the voltage, speed, mode, security, and other options that affect the programming process. You can set up these parameters using the software interface or by editing a configuration file.

To configure the device parameters using the software interface, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Config button on the toolbar or go to Device > Config from the menu bar.

  • A window will pop up with a list of tabs that correspond to different parameters. Choose the tab that contains the parameter you want to change.

  • Adjust the parameter value using the slider, checkbox, radio button, dropdown menu, or text box. You can also click on the Default button to restore the default value for that parameter.

  • Click OK to save your changes and close the window. The software will update the device information panel with your new settings.

To configure the device parameters by editing a configuration file, follow these steps:

  • Go to the folder where you installed the software and find a file named TOP3000.ini. This is the configuration file that stores all the settings for the software and the devices.

  • Open the file with a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad.

  • Find the section that corresponds to your device part number. For example, if your device is AT89C51, look for [AT89C51] in the file.

  • Edit the parameter value after the equal sign (=). For example, if you want to change the voltage of the device from 5V to 6V, change VCC=5 to VCC=6.

  • Save the file and close the text editor.

  • Restart the software to apply your changes. The software will update the device information panel with your new settings.

Note that some parameters may not be available or editable for some devices. For example, some devices may have a fixed voltage or speed that cannot be changed. In that case, the software will either disable or hide the parameter option in the interface or ignore the parameter value in the configuration file.

Device Programming

The next step to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software is to program the device with the data that you want to write into it. The data can be in various formats, such as HEX, BIN, TXT, S19, etc. You can load the data from a file on your PC, edit the data in the software buffer, verify the data against the device, program the data into the device, and read the data from the device using the software commands or buttons.

To load the data from a file on your PC, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Load button on the toolbar or go to File > Load from the menu bar.

  • A window will pop up with a list of file formats that are supported by the software. Choose the file format that matches your data file.

  • Another window will pop up with a file browser. Navigate to the folder where your data file is located and select it.

  • Click Open to load the data file into the software buffer. The software will display the data in hexadecimal and ASCII formats in the data buffer panel.

To edit the data in the software buffer, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Edit button on the toolbar or go to Edit > Edit from the menu bar.

  • A window will pop up with a hex editor that allows you to modify the data in the buffer. You can use the keyboard or the mouse to enter, delete, copy, paste, or fill the data. You can also use the toolbar buttons or the menu options to perform various editing functions, such as search, replace, checksum, etc.

  • Click OK to save your changes and close the window. The software will update the data buffer panel with your new data.

To verify the data against the device, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Verify button on the toolbar or go to Command > Verify from the menu bar.

  • The software will compare the data in the buffer with the data in the device and display a message with the result. If the data matches, it will show "Verify OK". If the data does not match, it will show "Verify Error" and indicate the address and value of the first mismatch.

  • Click OK to close the message window.

To program the data into the device, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Program button on the toolbar or go to Command > Program from the menu bar.

  • The software will erase, write, and verify the data in the buffer into the device and display a message with the result. If successful, it will show "Program OK". If unsuccessful, it will show "Program Error" and indicate the reason.

  • Click OK to close the message window.

To read the data from the device, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Read button on the toolbar or go to Command > Read from the menu bar.

  • The software will read and display the data from the device in the buffer and show it in the data buffer panel.

  • You can save the data from the buffer to a file on your PC by clicking on the Save button on the toolbar or by going to File > Save from the menu bar.

Note that some devices may have special programming procedures or requirements that are different from the general steps described above. For example, some devices may need to be programmed in a specific mode or sequence, or may have some protection features that need to be enabled or disabled. In that case, you should refer to the device datasheet or manual for more information and follow the instructions accordingly.


The last step to use the TOP3000 universal programmer software is to troubleshoot some common problems or errors that may occur during the programming process. These problems or errors may be caused by various factors, such as hardware, software, device, or user issues. Here are some possible solutions for some of the most common problems or errors:



The programmer is not recognized by the PC or the software.

Check the USB cable and port connections. Try a different USB cable or port if possible. Make sure the drivers for the programmer are installed correctly. Restart your PC and the software.

The device is not detected by the software or the programmer.

Check the device insertion and orientation in the programmer socket. Make sure there is no bent or broken pin. Try a different device if possible. Make sure the device is supported by the software and the programmer. Update the software to the latest version.

The device programming fails or gives an error message.

Check the device configuration and parameters. Make sure they are correct and compatible with your device. Check the data buffer and file. Make sure they are valid and match your device size and format. Check the device voltage and power supply. Make sure they are sufficient and stable for your device. Check the device power supply or connection. Make sure they are not loose or damaged. Check the device datasheet or manual for any special programming instructions or precautions. Contact the device manufacturer or the programmer supplier for technical support.

The device programming is slow or unstable.

Check the device speed and mode settings. Make sure they are optimal and compatible with your device. Check the USB port and cable. Make sure they are not overloaded or faulty. Try a different USB port or cable if possible. Check the PC performance and resources. Make sure they are not too low or busy. Close any unnecessary programs or processes that may interfere with the programming process.

The device data is corrupted or lost after programming.

Check the device quality and condition. Make sure it is not defective or damaged. Check the device security and protection features. Make sure they are not enabled or activated by mistake. Check the data buffer and file. Make sure they are not corrupted or modified by any virus or malware. Check the device storage and retention time. Make sure it is not exceeded or expired.

If you encounter any other problems or errors that are not listed above, you can refer to the software help file or manual for more information and solutions. You can also visit the official website of the manufacturer or the online forum of the users for more tips and feedbacks. You can also read some reviews of the TOP3000 universal programmer software from other customers to learn from their experiences and opinions.


The TOP3000 universal programmer software is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you program a wide range of non-volatile memory and microcontroller chips with ease and efficiency. By following this guide, you should be able to install, select, configure, program, and troubleshoot your devices using the TOP3000 universal programmer software.

Here are some main points and tips to remember when using the TOP3000 universal programmer software:

  • Make sure your PC meets the system requirements and your USB port provides enough power for the programmer.

  • Make sure your device is supported by the software and the programmer and insert it correctly into the programmer socket.

  • Make sure your device parameters are set up properly and match your device specifications and features.

  • Make sure your data file is in a compatible format and size and load it into the software buffer before programming.

  • Make sure you verify, program, and read your device data using the appropriate commands or buttons in the software interface.

  • Make sure you troubleshoot any problems or errors that may occur during the programming process using the suggested solutions or by contacting technical support.

We hope this guide has been helpful for you and that you enjoy using the TOP3000 universal programmer software for your programming needs. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the TOP3000 universal programmer software:

  • Q: How can I update the software to the latest version?

  • A: You can download the latest version of the software from this link or from the official website of the manufacturer. To update the software, simply run the setup.exe file in the downloaded folder and follow the instructions on the screen. The software will automatically overwrite the old version with the new one.

  • Q: How can I backup or restore my device data or settings?

  • A: You can backup or restore your device data or settings using the software functions or the configuration file. To backup or restore your device data, you can use the Save or Load functions in the File menu to save or load your data file to or from your PC. To backup or restore your device settings, you can use the Export or Import functions in the Device menu to export or import your device parameters to or from a text file. You can also edit the TOP3000.ini file in the software folder to backup or restore your device settings manually.

  • Q: How can I program multiple devices with the same data?

  • A: You can program multiple devices with the same data using the Batch function in the Command menu. To use this function, you need to load your data file into the software buffer and select your device type and parameters. Then, you can go to Command > Batch and enter the number of devices you want to program. The software will program each device one by one and display a message with the result after each programming. You can also use the Auto function in the Command menu to program multiple devices with different data files automatically. To use this function, you need to create a text file that contains the names and paths of your data files and save it as AUTO.BAT in the software folder. Then, you can go to Command > Auto and select your device type and parameters. The software will program each device with the corresponding data file and display a message with the result after each programming.

  • Q: How can I test or debug my device after programming?

  • A: You can test or debug your device after programming using the Test function in the Command menu. To use this function, you need to select your device type and parameters and load your data file into the software buffer. Then, you can go to Command > Test and choose a test mode from the list, such as Blank Check, Erase Check, Program Check, Verify Check, etc. The software will perform the selected test on your device and display a message with the result. You can also use the Debug function in the Command menu to debug your device using the built-in debugger of the software. To use this function, you need to select your device type and parameters and load your data file into the software buffer. Then, you can go to Command > Debug and use the debugger interface to execute, pause, resume, step, or stop your device code. You can also view or modify the device registers, memory, or ports using the debugger interface.

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